Monday, January 28, 2013

Smashed my finger

Last Monday I smashed the index finger on my left hand while pruning trees in my yard. A large branch I cut off fell and landed on my left hand, which was holding onto another branch to keep me from falling out of the tree. It's a good thing I had on heavy duty work gloves or I might not have any meat on that finger right now. I was almost afraid to take that glove off, it hurt so bad. I thought for sure it was broken. When I took the glove off, it looked like I had a large black olive stuck on the end of my finger (I'll spare you the picture). It was VERY painful. I packed ice around it for the rest of the day. It's a week later now and the bruising is starting to go away. The feeling has returned to the finger, and I can move it without pain. I still can't use it yet, but in another week it should be back to normal.
The problem now is: what do I do in the  meantime? I can only play slide guitar for now, but that gets old kind of fast. I play my guitar every day usually, so not being able to play is more than a bit distressing. I'm right handed, so I can still draw and paint. So, I've been working on that 18 pc. collage series I've been working on for the past year (on and off). I did more work on them in the past 4 days than I have in the past 6 months. They are almost done. I've been working on this series for too long. I'm kind of tired of looking at it. Working on a collage is like doing an ad lib in slow motion.

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