Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Potpourri" collage series, 2012

I finally finished the 18 piece collage series I've been working on, (off and on), for most of 2012. I'm not particularly pleased with the end result but I can live with it. Some pages are better than others. The "template" at the beginning of the series (image at left) is a photo of the template used to start each page of this series.  See the series on my web site at the following link:
Feedback is always welcome. Questions will be answered.

There are 18 pieces in this series, titled "Potpourri". I started with 8x10 in. cardboard. Each one painted with 2 to 4 colors of spray paint, using the template shown above (or its negative, a stencil). The template could be left, or right oriented, or flipped and rotated, and though it may be barely visible on some pages, it is there. That was the base upon which everything else is built. That is about the only unifying thread in this series. There is no theme, and no underlying message to this series. I leave it up to the viewer to make their own connections, and to find a meaning on their own. Though technically this is not pure collage, because it involves rubber stamping, transfers, drawing and a little painting, it is mostly collage. Technically I'd describe it more accurately as mixed media.This is not a medium I work in very much. It's a little more time consuming and tedious to create than a lot of the other things I do.