Monday, February 17, 2020

Mobile' #67

Here's a new mobile' I made. It is about 6 inches high and 6 inches in diameter. Made of steel wood and copper. I turned the stand on my lathe.

Monday, February 10, 2020

"Infinity Cube" sculpture final build

Here is the final build for the Infinity Cube sculpture. I've gotten the spacing right and nice tight pert-near-square corners with bridal joints. The photo above shows the 10 inch Poplar wood cube before I filled the ill-fitting parts, sanded and stained it. Below are photos of the finished Ebony stained final version.
Click on image to see larger version

Sunday, February 9, 2020

"Infinity Cube" 2nd prototype

Here's the 2nd build of the Infinity Cube. This one has half-lap joints at the corners, on a 10 inch Poplar wood cube. I've gotten the spacing the way I want it between the rails, but the corners are not quite square and so the cube is not quite perfect. I want to try a bridal joint on the corners on the next test build and see if that helps get everything more on the square. By the way, it's called an Infinity Cube because the cube shape is defined by a single unbroken line of rails that comes around back to its beginning point. Follow the rails around and you'll see what I mean.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

"Infinity Cube" sculpture prototype

This is a prototype of a sculpture I want to make. With this one I'm working out the measurements to get the side lengths and distance between the components. On this one I'm using 45 degree mitered corners. The material is poplar wood from an old piano. My next test build will be with the same wood, with half-lap joints at the corners to make them stronger, and hopefully, straighter. This cube measures about 10 inches.