Monday, February 18, 2019

Practice Skills on Scrap

I'm practicing my wood turning skills on these little scraps, too small for most wood working projects. Working with the different kinds of wood turning chisels takes time and patience to acquire skill with them. One has to learn how to use each one. As quick practice projects which will leave me with an object useful to me, I've been turning these tiny spindles. The largest one in the above photo is about 1.5 inches long. The shortest on is about 5/8th of an inch. The black ones are Ebony. The white ones are Maple. The dark brown and reddish ones are Mahogany. A spalted Maple piece at the top. The rest are Oak, Pear and Ash. The striped ones have been routed out and filled with Milliput epoxy. I intend to use these in my Mobile' sculpture. In the meantime I make these and toss them into a bowl. At some point I'll make a couple of mobile's out of these. I'll keep you posted.