Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Poplar Wood Segmented Bowl

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This is a Poplar wood bowl with a Walnut rim. The bowl measures 3 inches high and 7.5 inches in diameter. It is made up of 12-segment rings. The Poplar wood is from an old piano I helped break up last Summer. I got some of the wood from that. This bowl was wet sanded with mineral oil up to 400 grit, then stained. Then it was given a finish of high speed wax. The wood grain on this looks like tiger's eye. Lovely.

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Monday, December 30, 2019

Silver Maple Bowl

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Here's a nice Silver Maple bowl. It measures 3 inches high by 3 inches in diameter. It was wet sanded with mineral oil up to 400 grit, then given a coat of boiled linseed oil. This bowl feels like satin to the touch.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Mahogany/Maple Segmented Wood Bowl

This is a 6 inch diameter bowl 3.5 inches high. The wood is, top to bottom, two rows of Mahogany with strips of Maple in between, then a row of Maple with strips of Mahogany in between. Then a row of Maple, and a base of Mahogany. It was wet sanded with mineral oil up to 320 grit. A coat of linseed oil was applied, then the bowl was burnished with its own shavings. It has a beautiful satin finish.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

10 Inch Scrap Wood Bowl

Here's a 10 inch bowl made from Ponderosa Pine and Douglas Fir. The base is 2/3 Doug Fir and 1/3 Pine. The sides are Ponderosa Pine. This is the largest diameter bowl I've turned so far. This was made just to do something with some scraps of wood and to bone up on my lathe chisel skill. This was wet sanded up to 320 grit and given a coat of high speed wax.
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