Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sneak peek at new "Jaggedy-Rag" dolls

What do you get when you rub a cartoonist and a seamstress together?
Here's a  sneak peek at some of the dolls we're working on at the moment. They're bound for our site, arriving in a week or so, we hope. With Halloween right around the corner, we thought this would be a good time to bring these out. There will be a total of 13 in this series entitled "Jaggedy Rag Dolls". Each will have a name and a short "back story". There will be seven of the masculine persuasion and six feminine. We wanted to create some easy and economic-to-make, but not-too-home-made-looking dolls that would be the kind of thing Wednesday Adams (Adams Family) might carry around. Kind of Creepy-Cute. These are really a continuation of the "Creepy Clown" series I started about 10 years ago. That's why some of them have clown noses or neck ruffles. These dolls are not intended for children, though they are probably safe, but wouldn't stand up to the rigors of play, and they can't be laundered. They are more like the "art-doll" variety. These are all original Tesserak Studios designs. They are all hand made by me and my wife, Ellen Wight. Each is about 10" tall. We used natural and hand-dyed Angora on the ones with real hair. They have an accidental distressed look but we think it looks better than the perfectly printed versions. It makes them look like they've been around for a while. We're thinking of asking for $35 or $40 per doll. 
We'd love to hear what you think, so please let us hear your comments and critiques. Seriously, we're not looking for compliments as much as we're looking for your real first impression. So, come on, tell us what you really think. Also, I'll answer any questions you might have about this series.

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