Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Currently: 11-27-2012

Making sure the roofs and gutters are clear and checking studio and shop for weather tightness. Big rains on the way. They're predicting almost a foot of rain over the next four days for our area!! That's a lot of rain! I expect the power to go out.
On-going work on the 18 pc. collage. I'm maybe 2/3rds done with it, I'm guessing. I have to start  looking for more source material for this project. I need another batch of old magazines and books to break up the cobwebs in this project. No hurry though, just as long as I keep working on this and not let it get buried under stuff in my studio.
I've been doing a little recording lately. Nothing fancy. Just a quick-and-dirty session to test the idea and get it down. This is a new lyric I wrote to go with something I came up with while re-learning to play in open tunings on the guitar. The recording, "I've Got To Move On" (or "Move On"), is a slide guitar based blues number played on an "open G" tuning. I played both the rhythm guitar part and the lead part with a slide (a Craftsman, 17mm deep set socket). Two guitar tracks (rhythm, lead) using my old Kay guitar, bass guitar, and one vocal track. With a slight edit and a bit of a remix, and I ended up with something worth listening to. I might work out a better slide guitar solo and maybe more lyrics for it and then re-record it. For now though, this will do.
I made sketches of ideas for mobiles and other sculptures. Also worked on some design ideas for some Victorian themed mobile sculptures. Kind of Steam Punk-ish in a way.
Ellen is almost done with her knight's costume; hand-made chain mail armor, tunic, skirt, hood, helmet, the whole nine yards. Only the scabbard for her big honkin' medieval sword is left to fabricate. The only parts Ellen didn't make are the helmet and the sword. As if that wasn't a big enough project, she's making leather head and neck "armor" for her horse too. "And why is she making this?", you may be asking, as I did. Because, as Ellen said, "I don't know. It sounded like a fun, interesting challange."  I've got to post photos of this soon.
We've started development on a couple of puppets of the "monster" for Ellen's film idea, "The Devil's Claw". I need to make a couple of articulated puppets (pose-able leg and body parts). One for medium-to-long shots and one for close-ups. I shouldn't be too difficult.  The stop-frame animation the puppets will be used in will be more difficult (and time consuming) than making these puppets.

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