Sunday, May 26, 2013

Back in the studio again: new stuff

I've been away from the studio for a while. I made a trip to the Spokane, WA. area to help out with a family matter. Other than that we've been really busy in the restoration studio lately. That's a good thing. There is also a documentary film maker who wants to do a film about our restoration business. We should start shooting next month. I'm really looking forward to that.
I did manage to make a few new things though. Small projects, mostly personal ones but I'll cover them here anyway.
I made a new mobile', my 35th in this series. This one is a standing model made of painted wood (see photo at left). The balanced elements are arranged in an ascending fashion as opposed to the usual descending arrangement. You can see all of my mobiles on my art web site:
My brother Rich has a show on public access TV in San Francisco, CA. and he came up last year and shot some footage of my mobile's and ended up putting it on his show. I'll add that video, or portions of it, on my Youtube channel soon.